WhatsApp will join the convoy soon, Ads are coming to the platform
Mar 10, 2019 / by admin / in: Blog
It was only a matter of time for WhatsApp as it will soon allow companies to purchase ads within WhatsApp Status, the platform’s own variation of Stories.
As reported by WhatsApp’s Vice President Chris Daniels who said: “We’re going to be putting ads in ‘Status’. That’s going to be a primary monetization mode for the company, as well as an opportunity for businesses to reach people on WhatsApp”
As WhatsApp users are now one of the most popular apps in the world with over 1.5 Billion users parent company Facebook is trying hard to convert that attention into revenue.
With 60 Billion messages are being sent daily most of them are related to business transactions. In a recent survey, for example, over 80% of small businesses in India and Brazil said that WhatsApp helps them both communicate with customers and grow their brands.
WhatsApp stories, on the other hand, has more than 450 million daily active users which makes it an opportunity for brands to reach more audiences.
As per Chris Daniels WhatsApp ads will be powered by “Facebook’s native ad system”, which likely means that WhatsApp Status ads will be available as another option through Ads Manager. That could make it very easy for businesses to cross-promote through Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories and WhatsApp Status with a single campaign, which will no doubt be an enticing consideration for some, let’s wait and see!
By Hesham Mahdy / Digital Marketing Manager / Eureka Digital